Excellent Collab, We all missed us Kirbopher!
However, I saw Lucina from Fire Emblem wearing in her Orange Bikini, but, I just love on this picture:
<img src="http://safebooru.org//samples/2225/sample_e0703586a08e8391b75d631ce164b085.png?2736462" height="300">
Lucina looks so cute wearing in her Red Bikini.....
At least, My favorite shorts, is from Sr. Pelo, bocodamondo, Spazkid and Dooder-Doo.
And, What's happened to Marth? He doesn't appeared here, instead on Brawl Taunts Trilogy and $00pah Nin10doh
And of course, PiggyBank12, a Sonic Paradox Member who was colaborated in Sonic Shorts. He was on the Smash Collab too.